Mr. Rahul Kumar
Director, DWPS
““Arise!Awake!and stop not until the goal is reached.” by Swami Vivakenand ji
We must remember that education is not about scoring marks. It is always about holistic development so that best student is not one who gets maximum marks, but the one who learns every day.
Ultimately education does not teach us about life, it is life. That is why education should not be subject driven, it should impart life skills. Chief among them are values. To know the significance of punctuality, cleanliness, honesty, courage and services is to be truly educated. Once embedded into our character and instilled into our personality, they will sparkle in every word we speak and shine through every act we perform.
Education does not mean rote learning and appearing for an examination. The aim of education however, should be to make one wise. Facts may be forgotten or may change, but wisdom gained from experience is a companion for life.
May the achievements and the philosophy of our school bring you pride of the past, a vision for the future, but most importantly, a motivation to achieve in the present.
Parents and all stake holders shall be partners in providing Quality Education.
Wishing you a meaningful experience in the school.
Mr. Om Narayan
Managing Director
“Education has an important role to play in making India self-reliant.” by Narendra Modi ji
The institution has grown from strength to mark an height of enviable reputation in the educational fraternity. Armed with the core values of truth, integrity and compassion, our students shall explore the zeniths of creativity, through their dreams to fulfill them with patience, perseverance and principle.
Ultimately education does not teach us about life, it is life. That is why education should not be subject driven, it should impart life skills. Chief among them are values. To know the significance of punctuality, cleanliness, honesty, courage and services is to be truly educated. Once embedded into our character and instilled into our personality, they will sparkle in every word we speak and shine through every act we perform.
We envisage the continuing growth of our school as visionary among contemporaries for its unique character of blending tradition with modernity to crystallize the essence of the global Indian.
It is in the spirit of meeting the challenge, we invite all of our presents to partner with our students, teachers and administrators in helping to pave the path to what we believe are the endless new horizons of greater student achievement.
It is important for students to cherish their splendid school years spent in the company of peers, teachers and others associated with the institution. Holistic approach to learning helps them grow intellectually and improve their IQ, EQ and SQ.
The students focus should always be on virtues like Care, Compassion, Truth, Honesty and Sincerity.